Is it time to take down your website? I can help.
Designed for clients who are ready to retire or change careers. 
Website Take Down
A clean removal of your website from your hosting account. Cancellation of hosting & domain renewal.
Site backup file
Also includes full backup of your site for safekeeping and guidance on other important steps to take.
Special Offer
Add on a temporary home page message saying farewell or providing referrals.

Avoid the spam links page that will show up when you cancel your site. Instead, support your clients & community with a kind farewell and great referrals to other providers. I can help you make a smooth transition as you say goodbye.

Can stay live for your designated period of time, and then I will take down the full site when you are ready.

Add to cart$125.00
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xWebsite Take Down Package$99

All prices in USD